[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

Sorry, got sidetracked.

One second.

killed for accuracy if team is exactly telephone and shallow



could be shallow replay?

idk if enignma would kill that as scum for accuracy

i dont want to put much stock into this tho its prolly just pr hunt

i guess if theyā€™re with shallow or telephone tho

but a lot of people didnt like shallow

We need to make a decision at this point tbh. I might just vote.

we really donā€™t

why are you so eager to vote

No seriously, we have barely much time and I wonā€™t be on for EOD or close to it.

we have like 20 hours what are you on about

Yes but I only have around 8-12 hours of that time.

I want us to make a decision. Not vote. I just said I might vote.

youā€™re eagerness is scummy tbh

as town youā€™d be more cautious any misvote ends the game

and youā€™ve barely done any analysis on everyone




I lost my whole post


Dude, I believe youā€™re heavy Town, so Iā€™m trusting in you to make a decision.


Because youā€™re my top Town and you physically canā€™t be in a scumteam based on your actions this game?

but like


I literally just explained why?

why am I your top town and why cant i be in a scumteam based on my actions this game

What the fuck.

Itā€™s obvious?