[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

im literally not done yet

unvote, Iā€™m still trying to reach conclusions and youā€™re giving scum time to coordinate a hammer if shallow is town

Shallow isnā€™t Town.

bruh just unvote


Voted Voter Count
Shallow Replay 1/3
Not Voting Enigma, Shallow, Telephone, Venus 4/5

Day isnā€™t over. Easy.

day doesnā€™t automatically end if town votes town


It just requires one of the two being scum who is offline for day not to end tbh lol

Iā€™m so confused. How are votes not locked?

theyā€™re just not locked ???

Why are we voting


What did I wake up too

but in MyLo/LyLo theyā€™re normally locked, Iā€™m so fucking confused, I hate this.

theyā€™re not now


So uh

Shallow and replay are thunderdomed

votes arent locked

Everyone is online

still think this iso really sucks

Theirs no hammer


I just quoted posts I wanted to look at later with some notes jesus