[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!


Where are you at

It seems you’ve been nominated to vote first

Uh sure

I kinda want Venus to give conclusion to the isos tbh

Why do you want me to vote first anyway

Ok brb 9pm, I’ll try and see what I can do / think about

Literally what I’ve been thinking this entire day.


I’m bored I want something to happen

Shallow needs to speak

mentions they want to look at Replay

Is at the bottom of reads


Ok so they ask bottom 3 SRs to talk

They don’t mention Replay?

I kinda wanna see what Replay did in between that to escape lynch pool knowing they were

I think deeper than Shallow

They don’t even react I believe?

No more conversation tho

I don’t think they ever really hard push the slot though

This exists

This exists

Reaction to answer post




Idk about removing the option to go for Replay again

Replay has been twice in your bottom 3 lynch pool

And got removed from there both times

I’d greatly like conclusions on both ISOs @Venus

venus really high


[quote=“Replay, post:412, topic:82691, full:true”]

You don’t give pointless reads though. I see no reason to post my reads so I’m just… not going to post them?

You say while being one of the people to shout at me for posting a horrible readslist. Ironic.

You should look at the context if you want to make a proper case on me. If not, give up. SoRrY yoU sHOuLD bE rEadiNG EvERyThInG tO MAkE gOOd ReADs

I’m not quoting it. Look for yourself, if not take all the rap when I flip Town. Simple.

[quote=“Venus, post:406, topic:82691”]

Which parts of my opener?

[quote=“Venus, post:406, topic:82691”]

I don’t understand this one.

This is like

very early tbh

oh quote messed up

Might aswell look at Telephone while I’m there

Venus voted Shallow

Can’t be that right

Enigma-Replay - I town
Engima-Shallow - I town
Enigma-Telephone - I town + thunderdome?
Enigma-Venus - I town + thunderdome?
Replay-Shallow - Thunderdomed, could be one trying to bury the other
Replay-Telephone - Possible?
Replay-Venus - Could be possible? Interactions make it seem like scum theatrics?
Telephone-Shallow - Possible?
Telephone-Venus - Thunderdome makes it impossible
Shallow-Venus - Venus voted Shallow?


One of these I think

Am I okay with clearing Venus


I need another voice