[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

then vote shallow and lose the game

Have fun

And you vote him

with knowledge

the votes are that close

and that day is about to end

I would rather 50/50 my town read and the inactive dude for over 24 hours who couldnt even bother to log on

thna let my TR die

you’re telling me to vote someone that scum is telling me to vote

cool beans

its so obviously replay venus

You think its him them??

You have no idea who the other town is you’re just trying to yeet in Shallow/Me?

You think it’s Shallow but then you focus on ISOing me???

a) I was wagon

b) you tred paparazzi higher than shallow

I cant even tell which slot is which here

Not after the dude literally cop claimed for cover??

Enigma just vote replay so we can get it over with

venus is gonna defend his buddy till the end

yes because I scumread you more than either of them and am trying to sort everyone

theres literally two thunderdomes for me right now

you and telephone

and replay and shallow

What have you been doing today then?

The fact you’re not willing to yeet in Replay/Shallow is so weird?? Like just vote Shallow if you think it’s me/Shallow what are you even trying to pull if you’re town?

fuck off, if you think I could possibly be wolfmates with replay you’re the one that can’t read.

boo hoo

I’m trying to evaluate which one is more likely to be your scummate and I’ve made it clear I don’t want to vote yet

I’m town so like

ok lmao

you arent evaluating shit youre tunneling shallow and enigma but refuse to vote

Gonna re read

for like what

the third time?