[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!


Enigma you’re arguing with a brick wall

Fuck off.

0 townie look good after that

Make a Telephone post

The only way you convince me

Is by making Telephone look worse than you

I may have confirmation bias

But I’d much rather have confirmation bias on your slot

Than to make this vote on Telephone atm

I already did and I’m convinced you didn’t read it because of this.

I did?!

ok let me go over it again

I’m not staying up for this I have to finish schoolwork and actually sleep.

If you want to play this LYLO like a dumbass then go right ahead and vote in the first 4 hours.

Or just give me time to post.

Calling me names is like

not what you should be doing rn

Nah that makes him town because why would scum do that!?

Don’t actually care. You’re the one that’s conf biasing me to hell and saying you want to “end this tonight.”

You’re going to lose us the game.

But if you were scum

You’d be dead

Replay Telephone + me voting

is you be dead

so why you no be dead

But if scumteam is you/Replay

You don’t get hammered

Replay’s vote is like 10 messages after my unvote

He could just be doing anti spew stuff

He could just be like actually telling the truth expecting us to believe we’ll not believe him??

Scum saying you’re scum with him doesn’t make that untrue

Again if you re evaled and you are town we wouldn’t be here
You wouldn’t be at the point where you just insult me over this??

His attitude shows me it’s not unusual for him to do that

But would he actually say it? Like it’s just me baiting him to see if he tries to self pres and then claim shallow is scum? Like I don’t see how that makes him 100% scum?

I’m fairly sure if you were town, you’d already be dead

But that’s because he knows he’s thunderdomed with this guy so he never has the choice to vote anyone but Shallow

You’re trying to analyze what scum did rather than what Telephone did

like why didnt you post about D1/D2?

Enigma can we just end this please


I know but I will feel absolutely 100% terrible if you’re scum

I mean feel free to look again but like how many times have you re read the game etc at this point

Can you actually wait.

I’m tired and still have shit to do before I sleep and I don’t want to have anxiety for like hours before I sleep that you hammered and I could have done something to stop it.

Like, Telephone is literally just spamming you because he knows you’re gonna vote me if you vote now.

You’re legit conf scum theirs no point In dragging it out

The Definite Venus ISO, very last one, I swear on my favourite food’s existence.

This is the first thing that tilts me, this is his second post, but what I’m showing you isn’t the entire post.

I struggle to believe, Venus who seems to be a fairly serious and wallpost heavy player reads my slot and Shallow’s as town with so little reasonnig

Paparazzi read is like several layers of read, it’s calling out the opener a read but then


This has no reason no place no why for existing, I really believe it’s TMI

This really feels like TMIing me

Also, no Telephone read


This exists, you don’t read him

There’s very little reasons why I could see this being a town post, like what “in any case”


So, enigma, your verdict?