[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

I thought we were ending this tonight @Enigma

Iā€™d still rather make sure

As youā€™ve seen I like reading

I donā€™t know why

I canā€™t do it

Itā€™s painful


I just want us to win already

Venus is legit just trying to buy time

So do I but

Iā€™ll feel so bad if I lose because I didnā€™t listen

You get to a point where itā€™s like (I do at least)

Youā€™re 99% sure itā€™s this one person and in my mind Iā€™m like in the 1% it was you, then like gg you did a good job and so I donā€™t feel bad

Thatā€™s how I approach it at the very least :man_shrugging:t2:

Huh. Apparently this was my first emoji

I didnā€™t realise this

Reading D2 again

Idk how tf you do it

Whoever is scum after this post

Knows that someone is or is not the last powerrole

someone along replay has to have tmi on someone being vanilla or applause being a pr

Means they didnā€™t I think

The odds of me having correct reads in the first 100 posts Iā€™ve read and for the other person to mindmeld readwise at start of day 3

is like

I donā€™t have self confidance wha

Lmao wym from what Iv read you seem to be pretty good

Final point Iā€™ll make before taking a break until tomorrow

Why donā€™t you voice your opinion right there

Why do you wait until everyone has posted

Just end the game


@Enigma pls

I donā€™t want to drag this out longer


Telephone is wolfing lmao. Theyā€™re directly appealing to and pinging you to just vote me because they know youā€™re wrong and have done nothing to actually case me.

Hell, theyā€™re calling me conf!wolf when they havenā€™t actually done any work themselves that shows how they could know that Enigmaā€™s not a wolf.

That game

Isnā€™t over

