[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

hammer me and lose :slight_smile:


Like yeah I can see it but I donā€™t think it makes them scum

Replay did the exact same play

All youā€™re going to do is make me feel extra bad if youā€™re town and you know youā€™re probably abusing it either as scum or town because you know I fall for AtE

Nah Iā€™m actually done

Iā€™ve showed you why telephone is scum and youā€™re like

Eh that doesnā€™t make them scum

Youā€™ve just been tunneling me this whole time

why do I fucking try

Maybe Iā€™m the biggest sheep on this entire website but

I donā€™t really believe it??


What are you even sheeping LOL

telephone has done nothing

Wow thanks

You canā€™t even see telephone is scum when I put it right in front of your face

Eh that doesnā€™t make them scum

Youā€™re just letting them easily slide through LYLO

Most of the things you point is just bad town play

Why is it bad town play???

Why isnā€™t it just scum???

Most of it has very little scum agenda except pushing you but town does it too??

His D3 reeks of agenda???

His progression and flippant non explained reads make no sense from a town prospective

Is the way he is pushing you good?


Do I believe he does it because heā€™s scum

not really

maybe im a big dumbass but like??


like what the actual fuck

How do you know he doesnā€™t do it as scum???


He doesnā€™t seem like the type of person to do so??

I mean Iā€™m not able to pull meta so I have to identify how a player is gonna play because Iā€™m not PLing in anonymous games??