[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

to my defense

i had some weird thing happen to me where i logged out on my phone to play as centuries

and it made me post as centuries on my computer :^)

Every second of that lylo made me genuinely upset and I wish Iā€™d died earlier so I didnā€™t have to deal with it.

Oh yeah
Are we getting hosting groups


I love you

I dont like being mean


I wanted to win

they suck

I mean the issue is that Venus was kinda conf!biasing here.

He was right about Telephone being scummy D3. However, if he provided different explanations for this and looked at it from Enigmaā€™s point of view, before showing why his conclusion was better, I think he could have been more successful.

Like, instead of arguing that he was TMIing, explain why this story of wolf!Telephone is more likely than the overconfident Town!Telephone.

Offer different possibilities, and show why yours is the most likely.


I tried

Enigma was my personal hero this game all the way up into late LyLo
Itā€™s a difficult situation when the cards seem to line up a certain way and you just canā€™t be convinced otherwise
See situation with Shuri read influencing Wazza read in BotF2


no you didnā€™t

where did you quote my reads and consider what I said

you only quoted 1 of my reads and it was to call venus wolfy for saying they liked them :joy_cat:

hosting groups, im not sure. It be helpful but thats more admin stuff than us.

wait so like

who was enigma

Enigma was the most obvious townie lfmao

they are an enigma
you donā€™t know

cent was enigma

sulit venus

tele ???

Telephone was SirDerpsALot

that much was pretty immediately obvious


but yeah I spent D3 trying to open wolf lmao

yes of course

Sorry Marshal I shouldve solved the entire game after subbing into the game late day 2 and realized that Wazza actually tried to unironically hammer Venus despite me unvoting 5 minutes earlier :confused:

I think the big thing that messed up the F3 phase of LyLo was reading people on correctness, rather than reading people on progression/motivation/etc.

like, itā€™s easy for Mafia to be right about things, because they have TMI. Being wrong doesnā€™t necessarily make someone scum, and being right doesnā€™t make them town.

The big things that tipped me personally off about Telephone were (a) him attempting to push the execution onto Venus D3 because ā€˜theyā€™re probably Replayā€™s partnerā€™ and (b) him doing basically nothing in F3 LyLo while sulit was in fact doing things (also the ATE but I get not wanting to consider that) ā€“ and none of those are related to how correct they were