[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!


manual like 2

@anon97870008 ily

at least someone did it :^)

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I wasn’t even following and that was obvious

i saw you like a post :eyes:

i was like

no way is orange playing this

I read probably like 30 posts total lel

you had tmi ):<

Y’all need to stop outing yourselves in alt games for oog reasons lmao


No I did not, you literally publicly posted you were visiting your family

id already posted on my main at that point anyways


im glad i didnt sub in to this

cause all of the LyLo i read made me wanna die

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Rule of not outing yourself is too circumventable for things like that
Derps outed it was his birthday
I felt horrible telling him off for saying it’s his birthday but


Did anyone ever entertain the idea I was in this game with any seriousness

sulit has officially made me wonder if anyone thought I could be lmao

I think I understand why people post on their main on alts?

For me it was because I was still half away and I’d read up, then I went to do something else and I was like

oh yeah I have to respond to that

but forgot to switch accounts beforehand

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i didnt seriously entertain it

there was no in the game that could be you

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You would’ve swapped into a dead slot anyway.
Paparazzi was an open slot.

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i did it in sfol62 cause im dumb

Makes sense