[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

this is part of why i accidentally posted on my main in sfol62

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you canā€™t have your cake and eat it too

Lol. I was in a hurry and saw two sullit posts

The other part is that youā€™re a disappointment.

There probably is a way to add a plugin to discourse that allows you to enable an option in settings on your account to have a pop up say ā€œare you sure you want to do thatā€ when you post something.

Much simpler thing to code (probably, I donā€™t know how to do it but I assume it would be easier) then have a custom plugin that makes alts possible



Best plugin would be automatically posting as a certain account when on certain threads.
You wouldnā€™t need to change accounts.

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I could only imagine what bugs that could lead to

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yeah that seemsā€¦ not at all feasible

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What? Itā€™s entirely possible. Itā€™s not good to not implement something for bugs it could have.
Just run it in a testing environment before using it.
Iā€™m sure a similar plugin already exists.

Could also make threads read only unless an account entered a password

Itā€™s really not that hard to take care with alts lol. Just people be responsible and think for like half a second and if they keep mucking up then they cant use an alt anymore.


Iā€™ve played 2 games with an alt under new rules and never had any problems with posting like that

yeah iā€™ve had 2 alt games and Iā€™ve never slipped alt

The only time I got close was when I copied a link on marshal and then posted it on Frankie (and so it had the u=marshal at the end) but it ended up expanding so nobody saw

no wonder i slipped


Expectations too high, does not compute.

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kyo i think you think there are more plugins than there truly are. Weā€™re doing what we can with what we have

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I guess also I didnā€™t want to play with an alt anyway