[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

Venus has been rising given they are actually trying. Problems arise if players like Shallow and Replay are town and just doing very little - it allows otherwise scummy players to skate by just because they appear to try a bit.

Enigma is saddened.

Iā€™m going to sleep, I guess. Hopefully Shallow or Babylon get on in the next couple hours.

Iā€™ll try to wake up before EOD.

Love is probably my top town; youā€™re one of my tops even though your posting pains me

Shallow only copy the great DybuDabu

I donā€™t know. The way people post here confuses me and it makes it harder to read people, but maybe I am just shallow. It does seem Paparazzi is trying and thatā€™s something

I donā€™t have a readlist because I have been somewhat busy


Voted Voter Count
Paparazzi Applause 1/5
LoveGame Babylon 1/5
Venus Telephone 1/5
Replay Enigma 1/5
Applause Paparazzi 1/5
Shallow LoveGame, Venus 2/5
Not Voting Replay 1/9

The day will end 2020-07-15T07:00:00Z.

We need to figure these votes out guys

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Oh hi.

If you canā€™t read the whole game, can you give me your opinion of Replay, Applause and Babylon please?

I sure can in a bit

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Convincing someone you are town is what wolves do, not me. I show.

Maybe instead of arguing semantics, you should actually do that then

Everyone, why are you voting the player your vote currently is?

You need to read by actions, analyze what the players are trying to accomplish and either if they would do that as any alignment.

I believe most people are spending time on their original accounts instead of their alts.

Why do you have high opinions of Replay and Enigma, and low opinions of LoveGame and Paparazzi?

Not going to lie, Iā€™m currently enjoying this game. Way less fluffposting.

Just ISOed LoveGame. Reads a wide range of players. Has fresh pushes that are well-explained.

I :heart::video_game:. @LoveGame you are my top townread as of now. Why should I vote Shallow over Paparazzi?

Nevermind. Didnā€™t see you were Enigma. Lol.

I think Paparazzi has been putting in consistent effort towards trying to figure things out

they are not townie, but I would much rather somebody asking for clarification on a lot of things and being somewhat proactive with asking questions than somebody who has barely posted, admitted to not having reads, and when Paparazzi asked Shallow for reads on certain players, Shallow left the thread and has not been seen.

Work has been very tiring, and I may fall asleep soon, if my claim is needed before I die, I am a TownVanilla.

I suspect I could get CFD-d by you all and wanted to express that if I am not on before End of Day

I usually would not claim this, but I realized that I have already accidentally made that clear due to my misunderstanding of the setup, and I want to have no gray area when it comes to that, as the mafia have already likely noticed that, while the town might not have.

Because I donā€™t exactly scumread anyone right now nor do I really townread people. As it currently stands, I donā€™t hold many reads. This is changed upon me reading some back in the thread and I wonā€™t post my updated readslist until I decide what I want to post for it.

I didnā€™t have a vote target at the time. Nor are you my vote target for the day anyway. Because I distrust you, doesnā€™t mean I want to kill you.

Would you like my reasonings from the time or my reasons for my new readslist (When I post it after evaluating it). Clearly not many people agree with my reads and I donā€™t exactly want to be pushed for being a terrible reader in an anonymous game.

Iā€™m not exactly included in many conversations, nor do I want to randomly insert myself into discussions.

Iā€™m not a good reader. I never have been. This anonymous game isnā€™t helping.

This is a horrible votecount, especially considering Iā€™m the only non-voter.

I am Replay.
Enigma for his base interaction towards me encouraged to me that he was more than likely Town. Something strikes me odd about LoveGame and Paparazzi, specifically LoveGame, that I just canā€™t explain. Itā€™s more of a gutread, to be exact.

Can you try to elaborate more? It might be difficult, but I do not love when somebody says that something is odd, but does not go into detail.

Were there specific posts that were odd? What exactly is odd?

Try to explain, explore your feelings. You do not love me, but I want to know why.

Here, let me grab some posts that striked me as odd.

I don't want to fill the thread. Here you go.

But then at the same time you have posts I do like, specifically these ones

This post seems well thought out. Apart from Shallow being at the bottom for an unexplained reason and me being at the bottom of Null, although this might just be a random order, itā€™s not quite clear.

As you can tell, Iā€™m not very sure with you and Iā€™m unsure whether or not I would want you lynched. Right now I would prefer an inactive to be lynched. Even if Iā€™m inactive myself and itā€™s quite ironic.

I have explained my read, on shallow.

These were before I posted the read list, and were my reasoning.

I have elaborated, later down, even more.

I also believe that shallow not commiting to doing the reads that they promised to do is a poor look, as mafia members often times do not feel the need to fake solving, and feel less inclined to honor their promises to help advance town because they are not town.

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