[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

Like I’m wondering if you even read the entire post because in context it makes sense

What the fuck, that’s literally not what I’m pushing. I’m pushing the opposite.

I’m pushing that he was killed because Scum knew what he was.

So unless scum rolecopped him N1, Shallow is scum.

This makes me think Replay / Venus

See it’s either

Telephone distancing or Town


Both slots are SRing, so unless it’s Telephone/Venus or Replay/Shallow

There’s a scum in there distancing / pushing a townie

This could make me think they’re rolecop?

I really want to believe this is rolecop

Is this TMI’ing? How am I more townie than Applause? Ehh

This is weird partly because of gamestate

There’s way more there tbh

I think it could be Replay/Telephone due to the amount of distancing + Telephone avoiding Applause slot?

But Shallow outed it, the moment he outed the fact he knew, Shallow alignment doesn’t matter

The part that is town motivated is pushing for a cop fakeclaim to get him TR’d

The fact Shallow doesnt know how the setup works mean its either

fake derpslip from scum

or derptown

Occam’s Razor points out to Shallow town


I’m sorry but your evidence you keep posting tells me the opposite…

It’s too complicated to reason Shallow as scum for me to believe he’s scum

Scum Shallow does the following

Get visited by FN

Choose to fakeclaim Cop KNOWING he is not in a setup with Cop in order to fake a derpslip to look townie when he could just stay silent and kill FN

It’s hard to not yolovote Shallow right now.

Well please don’t

Why not?

Your case on him being Town just makes me suspect you more.

Well the fact is, if you’re town and you vote me or him and me or him is town

We lose the game

And if I hit a scum, we get a thunderdome.

Yes it’s true if you vote scum then yeah you probably get a lynch started


it’s 50/50

Are you willing to gamble the game right now?


I’m pretty positive that Shallow is scum.

But I also don’t want to cause Town to lose ;/

You have an advantage, knowing I replaced in, you have 2 different people’s input on his slot, I think it’s wiser to read my entire ISO than to gamble it all

I’ve read your ISO and I’ve been here all D3.