[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

I regret that, but we have more pressing issues here. We need to vote correctly today or we lose

Yeah yeah, keep talking.

Thanks, we realised that.

Whatever, I feel like the scumteam is Telephone/Shallow, still sticking with that as I trust Venus so Iā€™m going to wait for their decision. Yā€™all have fun now and I know no oneā€™s going to rando-herovote so, shrug.

Oh yeah, one thing.

Who did Applause even tell they were the Town Friendly Neighbor?

I know I didnā€™t receive it, so either they no-actioned or they told one of you 3.



I think itā€™s Venus/x

Replay/Telephone has bad interactions
Replay/Shallow has bad interactions
Telephone/Shallow doesnā€™t seem too likely?

Replay Iā€™m less sold on to be honest

Iā€™m trying not to let my annoying with replay influence my read but I would agree itā€™s likely Venus/x

Atm Iā€™m thinking replay second one

I donā€™t care if this makes you think itā€™s me and Venus even more but Iā€™m vetoing a Venus lynch so yā€™all can find someone else.

Iā€™m positive I have a 66.6*% chance to hit scum if I were to yolovote. Influenced by how I believe in them, I believe I will hit a scum no matter what in Telephone and Shallow. Even if I know they wonā€™t get lynched.

Issue is that

Youā€™re like the person I think who is the likeliest to be with Venus

I think it goes


in term of likelihood

Make a case on Telephone/Shallow and Iā€™ll look at it

Sure, you can think that.
Hope you change your thoughts before we all start placing our votes.

I need sleep right now. Iā€™ll post it tomorrow.

To say the least, thereā€™s 1 major thing that contradicts it and thatā€™s Telephone voting Shallow and putting him in the lynch randomiser yesterday. Thatā€™s what is keeping me from calling that the full scumteam.

I would agree with that list, but I would replace myself with you

Meh feel free to read at my ketchup posts

look at / read

not both at once

Iā€™m impatient and want to just vote but Iā€™ll be yelled at if I do

I donā€™t like being yelled at so