[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

Why are you still defending and justifying their vote? Let them do it by themselves. :upside_down_face:
OMGUS? Cute.

I like their thought process on their suspicion on you.

Itā€™s something a wolf would have difficulty making up.

I could probably explain this better but I am eating.

Feels like an excuse to town read me

I already provided a reason to why I townread you.

Why would I need an excuse to do so?

/vote Enigma

I will return to read the remaining of the thread soon. I need to analyze Paparazzi.

Actually it makes more sense to /vote Paparazzi by now.
Enigma has more chance to be town.

Enigma is laughing at how awful your reaction to being voted is.

When youā€™re done reading can you explain why you think Enigma is more likely town?

Your reason was not great imo

Youā€™re my top scum

Applause just votes the two people who wanted him to engage. No desire to scumhunt, pure OMGUS.

Paparazzi made a weak push and left
Enigma jumped into the thread and started to defend them

I can see a world where a villager defends someone like this. I canā€™t see a world where a wolf defends a townie like this, but I can see a world where a wolf defends a wolf like this.
So whilst Paparazzi can be any alignment, if they are town then Enigma being wolf is unlikely.

Why wasnā€™t it great?

I disagree.

Enigma did not defend Paprazzi.

You specifically asked Enigma why they liked post. Enigma explains that pressure voting is always good so they liked it.

That is all that happened. Either you have poor memory or are rewriting history.

I am making a LoveCore

I love these people, and I also think they are town.

@Applause I love you
@Enigma I love you
@Venus I love you
@LoveGame I love me.

/vote Shallow

@Shallow I do not love you.

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I am being pocketed.

Whatā€™s up with Shallow?

Shallow seems to be copying my gimmick this game, which is to make a comment on your name, and/or a joke about it. Could be seen as blending in.

I might say the same about Enigma, but they have kept up theyā€™re posting way, and so I love them.

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why do i see SvS everywhere

I think I saw this coming from town more often
But that might just be because there are more town than scum in a game

Babylon is getting annoyed at this stupid tone of talking

What makes you think theyā€™re copying you rather than having the same thought as you?

Enigma is often found annoying. Enigma has no choice. Enigma is Enigma. Nothing more. Nothing less.