[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

don’t hammer

im typing


I’m letting Venus post

I can hammer alone but I’m set on him



it really seems like you dont care

im gonna see if u ever get angry

see like right there

I feel more emotion

than when you just type aaa

(I know most of the things I’m saying is just confirmation bias)

You feel way more irritated when talking to your potential scummate

Thah when you’re at L-1

Especially from your potential pov

because town you know you’ve lost

so you’re scum

I don’t really want to drag this out over two days if we don’t have too btw

This ends tonight

At 5:32

Replay in thread
Enigma in thread

I am not hammered.

6:26 PM

Shallow, Enigma, Telephone, and Replay in the thread the time. Doesn’t matter about Shallow. Both Telephone and Enigma in the thread at the time. Telephone already voting me.

Last scum is Telephone. They put their vote on me and I was not hammered, whilst both Replay and Enigma being in the thread. Now that we’ve got that covered…

Why Telephone is actually scum:


Replay literally tried to quick hammer me. After spewing “Venus is town!!!” for the whole damn day. If me and Replay are s/s he just never quick hammers me there. It’s obvious he was just trying to pull the quickhammer on me, end the game, they win. If they ever planned to bus me there they wouldn’t have said that shit above. They also just blatantly tried to setup me as their partner. It’d be idiotic to bus me here s/s.


First part goes on and on about how it’s so “obviously Replay” but doesn’t do anything to explain it. Then it just gets worse. Like just read the above posts. Telephone had done so little solving and is just screaming, begging people to vote me. They are scum, knowing they can win if they can just get one person to vote. Then, after Replay tries to quick hammer they try to put it off as a meme. Bolded post “I knew you were here lol” just does it for me tbh.


Firstly, Replay, shades Telephone and then puts them 3rd post TR. Then, they mainly argue with me but never really pursues individually Telephone. I think their whole Telephone read is literally TMI on Telephone scum because they were literally pocketing me.

Replay then pushes Tele/Shallow almost all of lylo, but never INDIVIDUALLY PUSHES OR ASKS PEOPLE TO VOTE TELEPHONE. They also can’t make up their mind of they want Telephone in the team or Enigma. The last quote seems over manufactured, especially the last part.

I kind of rushed to make this but


I dont think I was ever in the thread when I was L-1

I had to leave

Actually fuck off.

I don’t care my ass. I’m actually done.

I’m pretty sure he knew they unvoted and this was orchestrated for this reason

dear god

It wasn’t orchesrated lol

you’re scum

why do you only get angry now

He voted like 2 full min after they unvoted

It was so fake lmao

@Enigma please actually yeet your conf bias on me and evaluate both me and telephone without any bias

it’s going to lose us the game

because I dont want to lose???

I’m pissed off you’ve said I don’t care when I’ve been trying this whole game. I spent so much time on stuff yesterday and then it all just went to shit. I just typed that up for you and you’re probably just going to ignore it and vote me anyway!

/vote Telephone

Why were you so stuck on a Scum Shallow/Me world

And never re evaluated Replay

And why didn’t you actually like call him out?

Because I thought your interactions linked together strongly. You hard defended them start of lylo and that CFD on Paparazzi was just the weirdest shit.

I was trying but I ran out of time. I just thought Shallow was more likely.