[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

They insist Replay is scum the whole game

then they realize they can get me lynched and quickly flip the vote onto me

town just doesn’t fucking do that

These two posts are blantant TMI anf overanalysis on LoveGame

Tries to brush off replay’s quick hammer as a MEME


even though they’re tunneling them hard scumreading them

and then vote them later

*the whole day

Game was slow

thought it would be spicer


Seriously?? They do this half ass ISO on me

You say this

I make a giant post on Telephone

explaining exactly why they’re scummy

haha venus scum

I mean they had unvoted like 2+ min ago

its was pretty obv fake

at the time I assumed it was a meme or lolcat or some shit

Theres THIS

which you ignored as well


im still scummier than telephone


gg i guess


Okay They scumread you

Isn’t that just because he’s a low effort player and has to try to win?


Wouldn’t his read have evolved by now and like his read on Replay seems a lot more serious by that point?

Yes and? I could see Rolecop Telephone hitting Applause and doing this but?..

I still think it’s rather obvious and an effective pr hunt would out him as most likely PR especially since he didnt need to claim + he was top town

But he never explains does he?

He never said you were town either so?

He calls him dumb more so than village idiot lmao, he still SRs him

At most though?

So he calls us not W/W and then says it’s like 1% chance we scum? Like maybe TMI but seeing gamestate…

Because he SR’d him before though

Isn’t he always confident? Like reverse me? I dunno

You just quote every post where he SRs you I feel

Wolf you would be afraid to vote your scummate though? Especially since you wanted your scumreads to vote before when we scumread you

Memes as in

It’s funnier to get you out I think not like le random lynch meme

I mean he still thinks its scummy?

This is maybe the strongest thing you have and it’s the thing that makes me hesitate the most

whats the point on this?

(im strugging to even comprehend what this says so like)

He thinks you’re pocketing Venus and calls you T/S if you flip scum, they say you’re like piggybacking pushes

but like

kinda like what Venus did D1

Im like 87% sure replay had no idea wtf was going on this entire game

Can we please end this game tho

like its been dragged out long enough

Venus has started to just resort on AtE to keep you from voting

I haven’t just been doing ate

and haven’t just been asking enigma to vote you :slight_smile:

That’s because he starts out as townier than you because he wasn’t hard defending dead scum while trying to lynch dead town

And he doesn’t look like the kind of person who just literally slowrolls a won game

How would anyone be slowrolling here???

If he’s scum

Why didn’t he just get Shallow yesterday