[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

If I read the set up correctly, it us 7 vs 2? Not the hellscape of 6 vs 3 I was thinking it was for some reason?

Townslip denied, this is bad.


Enigma agrees. This post alone makes Paparazzi suddenly more suspicious to Enigma.

What was the point of the post? OP literally says all setup info and 7v2 is standard anyway, 6v3 is absurd.

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I do not love this post, or you.

It seems very fake to me, and it coming right after there was commenting on someone misunderstanding the setup is very suspicious.

@Paparazzi Can you explain why you do not love venus?

I think I love venus. Venus is a very nice planet, and I agree with both them, and enigma, on a lot of points.

Also shallowā€™s continued behavior of not only referring to themselves in the third person (which is what enigma is doing, and fits with my blend-in read)

But this is also directly copying my writing style, which is seen in my posts below:

Even the incorrect grammar is copied, which makes me sure that Shallow is just mimicking the writing styles of more prominent players.

It is now my task to figure out if this is simply mafia trying to blend in, or just a townie who is for whatever reason subconsciously mimicking our typing quirks, and jokes.

Enigma disliked Venus earlier because they disagreed with Enigma alot, especially on Applause, but Venus is starting to rise a bit on Enigmas reads.

Venus also had this reaction to a vote from Telephone, and Enigma strongly dislikes this reaction:

Enigma is unsure of Venusā€™ alignment at this moment.

Enigma recognises this post is slightly useless, Enigma started writing it with the idea of a strong stance but realised Enigma wasnt sure either way.

I have found Venus to say things that make sense and are reasonable to not only follow but to see their process of thinking.

Just in the first half of the ISO, they make their thought process clear through their posts. Is this fakeable? Maybe, depends on who is behind the planet.

I think the thing that I want from venus most is their most anti-consensus town and scum read, and why. Itā€™s possible they are just picking on LHF people who are doing scummy things and pointing out why those things are scummy, so I want to see their thoughts behind town reads and I want to see a scum read that shows thinking that cannot be reasonably thought of as fake pushing on LHF people.

@Venus, what is one player in this game that players have shown they are against, but you personally townread them, and why, and vice versa.

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Enigma agrees with this and likes this post.

Enigma thinks LoveGame is likely town.

Damn. Mission failed

This does not help your case.

Enigma thinks Replay has not done enough after original suspicion and is more likely scum than Babylon who Enigma is currently voting.

/Vote Replay

They really read too much into a nonsense post for my liking

This is a good reaction though. I like this

Do you think that reading into what you consider a nonsense post is mafia-AI?

Also, what do you think of Shallow

and @Shallow, what do you think of Paparazzi

If the answer is going to be ā€œI do not know, I have not read themā€, please read them, If they are still null after that, that is fine.

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You have not talked to or acknowledged even Shallowā€™s existence.

Shallow stuck a vote on you, as did venus, but you took major offense to venusā€™s vote where as you just said ā€œgood voteā€ to shallows.

I want to basically force interactions between you two as you are both in my PoE and both have slightly strange interactions

Enigma just ISOā€™d Shallow (4 whole posts) and agrees, Enigma would be happy with a Shallow hang unless they improve substantially.

Their last post was their worst and most damning in Enigmaā€™s opinion. A number of small things happen in it which combine to really irk Enigma.

I do not love system

I mean they seem OK at the moment but Iā€™m not sure. Still a null null read to me.

As for Venus, I didnā€™t like how he scumread a dumb post. Feels like Scum trying to set a mislynch perhaps.

That said, his next reaction felt much more natural. Scum leaning null on them now