[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

I had no clue what your night action suggestions were.
Applause was spewed Friendly Neighbor and you tried to kill Shallow

I was likely to die anyways

and I didnā€™t think it was that PR-y

and I donā€™t think anyone but specifically derps would stab me there

I had so little motivation this game that I didnā€™t even read for things.

In general
Such a play is worth considering later on

F3 was literally just hell in a cell if you replace dybudabu with centuries



really? I read it and it screeched pr to me

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There was that one moment where like Paparazzi voted Applause on the basis that ā€œI will vote Applause until I see more from themā€

Applause had just entered the thread for the first time when paparazzi did that

Then Applause spends the next 5 posts commenting on how bad Papaā€™s vote was lmao

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That was D1

also my frustration at replay all game was real lmao

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because itā€™s u lmao

I thought you might be able to get it but I donā€™t think others would tbh

I had 3 dead townies with no reads to work with like sorry I didnā€™t blindly trust the towncore from the townie who died N1

Wolves do not act normally all of the time as it turns out
Thatā€™s why most common tells in any given situation suck ass

I cant tell if this is a compliment or insult

I thought it was Venus/Telephone until the first LyLo where Venus became towny af. Why are my reads only good when Iā€™m not playing

love u xoxo

why were you not in spectator chat

It is very easy to try and explain something from someone elseā€™s prospective when all theyā€™re doing is pushing and casing you, and only you, while the other person just makes one liners and tells them to hammer you.


I thought it was Applause/Paparazzi early on lol

Itā€™s not like you died the night before Marshal
like youā€™re legit the n1 kill

yeah I didnā€™t read that deep but it was a pr kill

I tried to work with what I had

oh I was just reading along