[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

Welcome to NewD3, hosted by @KyoDaz




Phase length is 48/24.
Actions are done by messaging me
The mafia will talk through a private thread.
Masons will talk through a private thread.
Anonymous mode is active. Players must have an alternate account.
The mafia’s factional kill is optional and may be used simultaneously with another ability.
A minimum of 20 game related posts is required per day.
WotM is active.


To accuse someone say “/jettison [player]” or “/vote [player]
Executions via majority will end the day early.
Plurality is enabled.

Possible Feedback


Rolecop - Your target is a [role]!
Cop - Your target is aligned with the [alignment]!
Tracker - Your target visited [player] last night! <> Your target visited [player] and [player] last night!
Friendly Neighbor - [Player] is a Town Friendly Neighbor!
Otherwise - You slept peacefully.




Town Vanilla

You have no special abilities.

Defeat all threats to the Town.

Town Cop

Every night you may choose to target someone to learn their alignment.

Defeat all threats to the Town.

Town Doctor

Every night you may choose to target someone except yourself to protect them from nightkills.

Defeat all threats to the Town.

Town Tracker

Every night you may choose to target someone to learn who they visited.

Defeat all threats to the Town.

Town Friendly Neighbor

Every night you may choose to target someone to learn you are the Town Friendly Neighbor.

Defeat all threats to the Town.

Town Jailkeeper

Every night you may choose to target someone to roleblock them and protect them from nightkills.

Defeat all threats to the Town.

Town Mason

Your mason partner is [mason partner]. You have a private chat with them at all times.

Defeat all threats to the Town.


Mafia Goon

Your mafia partner is [mafia partner]. You have a private chat with them at all times.

Defeat or gain parity over the Town.

Mafia Roleblocker

Your mafia partner is [mafia partner]. You have a private chat with them at all times.
Every night you may choose to target someone to roleblock them.

Defeat or gain parity over the Town.

Mafia Rolecop

Your mafia partner is [mafia partner]. You have a private chat with them at all times.
Every night you may choose to target someone to learn their role.

Defeat or gain parity over the Town.

To Join, Spectate or Backup

Join Information

To Join

To join, please message myself (@KyoDaz and @DatBird) for an alternate account. Please make sure you aware of the rules on alternate accounts before signing up. A pre-made alternate account will be assigned to you to ensure complete anonymity.

Identity of alternate accounts will never be revealed to anyone unless moderator intervention is required and a behavioural rule is broken or a major game rule is broken such as intentional integrity breaches.
This will always be done after the game except in extreme circumstances.

You must invite both me and DatBird to a DM if you wish to join.


Spectators may spectate by messaging myself with their desire of an uninformed chat. Informed chat is not authorised.


Backups may backup through messaging myself. You do not need to submit an alternate account application; we have backup accounts on hand.


Setup Details

One row and one column is randomly selected.

  • A1 : Mafia Goon, Mafia Roleblocker vs. Town Cop, Town Doctor, 5x Town Vanilla
  • A2 : Mafia Goon, Mafia Roleblocker vs. Town Jailkeeper, Town Tracker, 5x Town Vanilla
  • A3 : Mafia Goon, Mafia Roleblocker vs. Town Mason, Town Mason, 5x Town Vanilla
  • B1 : Mafia Goon, Mafia Rolecop vs. Town Tracker, Town Friendly Neighbor, 5x Town Vanilla
  • B2 : Mafia Goon, Mafia Rolecop vs. Town Jailkeeper, Town Friendly Neighbor, 5x Town Vanilla
  • B3 : Mafia Goon, Mafia Rolecop vs. Town Tracker, Town Doctor, 5x Town Vanilla
  • C1 : Mafia Goon, Mafia Goon vs. Town Cop, 6x Town Vanilla
  • C2 : Mafia Goon, Mafia Goon vs. Town Jailkeeper, 6x Town Vanilla
  • C3 : Mafia Goon, Mafia Goon vs. Town Mason, Town Mason, 5x Town Vanilla


  1. Applause - Killed N2 - Town Friendly Neighbor
  2. Babylon - Jettisoned D1 - Town Vanilla
  3. Enigma
  4. LoveGame - Killed N1 - Town Tracker
  5. Paparazzi - Jettisoned D2 - Town Vanilla
  6. Replay - Jettisoned D3 - Mafia Goon
  7. Shallow - Killed N3 - Town Vanilla
  8. Telephone
  9. Venus


Day 1 - Babylon
Night 1 - LoveGame
Day 2 - Paparazzi
Night 2 - Applause
Day 3 - Replay
Night 3 - Shallow

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And preferably don’t like anything as well.
The only authorised messages are orange messages from Forum Moderators, the Game Reviewer (@DatBird) and myself.

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I been told to bump


Join this or big looser


Heyo its Dat, here to say I’m like 99% we filled. And like that’s great and all, but feel free to backup and all if u want to do that. In the meantime we need to setup the alts and all for everybody. I will give a heads up when rand is happening


Heyo its dat again. We are looking for 1 more person. Please join

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Game is filled and the rand should start soon^tm as like it relies on Kyo


Randing, dont speak. Not like it matters, ur all alts and like have level 2. U cant even speak in here yet


Rolecards are being sent, so like check those sometime

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If you do you get added to the dress


Day one starts and will last until 2020-07-15T07:00:00Z, or shorter if someone is jettisoned.

With 9 players, majority is 5. All votes are considered legal until the thread autolocks itself, or until the host calls EoD.


I love game


I’m your biggest fan
I’ll follow you until you love me

Are you game?

if you are game

I love you

Username checks out

I see Lady Gaga song names was a major influencer on names this game lol

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You can play game on telephone

I love Telephone

I do not love Babylon

I can not play game on Babylon, as Babylon was the capital city of Babylonia, a kingdom in ancient Mesopotamia, between the 18th and 6th centuries BC.

/vote Babylon

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This is a good vote