[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

Are you game?

if you are game

I love you

Username checks out

I see Lady Gaga song names was a major influencer on names this game lol

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You can play game on telephone

I love Telephone

I do not love Babylon

I can not play game on Babylon, as Babylon was the capital city of Babylonia, a kingdom in ancient Mesopotamia, between the 18th and 6th centuries BC.

/vote Babylon

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This is a good vote

I’m soul reading Telephone as town. Since I’m town and they chronically follow me in story arc, they must also be town.

I am a member of the mafia.

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I am as shallow as a river

I am a river

paparazzi bad shallow good MUST… VOTE… PAPARAZZI… /VOTE Paparrazi

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Good vote

Ring ring

Kyo, it looks like you’re getting a call!

Kyo answers the telephone


That is all, thank you

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The thread does not seem to be alive. I would take this as a time to solve but no one has been talking much. I suppose it was a bad daystart for everyone.

Enigma is here.

Enigma does not like Replays post. Replay suggesting they would start solving 27 posts in is clearly not viable and they just said it to seem towny.

Enigma will vote Replay.

/Vote Replay

What are you on about?
My post specifically stated that I wanted to solve since I would’ve had a lot of time to but because of the lack of posts I haven’t been able to. Backtrack a bit and then rethink your actions and try take a better approach next time.

Enigma laughs at you.

Enigma knows that saying “I want to solve” is something scum would do more so than town. Why would town feel the need to say “look at me I want to solve”. Your post was superfluous if you are town yet useful if you are scum.

Enigma also finds your rebuttal overly passive aggressive, again indicative of scum.

You can say what you want. I have no reason to disagree with a read that I can’t exactly see. Either way, I don’t think voting is fairly a good idea at the start of the day.

Enigma disagrees with your point about voting.

Enigma does like this post a little more however.

Enigma will keep an eye on you.

Enigma is disappointed in lack of engagement.

/Vote Enigma

Back to bed will explain later

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