Another GI Turbo - D3 Blue Dragon Win! [2/8]

Day will end in 7 min lol

I think itā€™s amelia

Idk how all those people coulda died otherwise

ā€¦notice how itā€™s the two ppl mole claimed was scum

Maybe Iā€™m just blind

Amelia can you gib explanation on how Magnus and kat died then

maybe itā€™s sulit

@Amelia if you be fpsing, then vote sulit

Marshal said a neut visited him N1, yes?
This neut must have had some way to multikill




day ends in 5 min

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Wait so what did you do last night

i did second action on marshal cuz i thought they were fakeclaiming

i was right in a wrong way



3 min left

well itā€™s clearly not sulit
sulit wouldā€™ve just hammered and won

Then whereā€™d the scum factional go

Magnus must have factionaled Marshal

wait necromancer faction doesnā€™t even have a killing thats dead
for this to be balanced it would be a 1v1v1 right now