Another GI Turbo - D3 Blue Dragon Win! [2/8]


Days will be 10 minutes long.
Nights will be 5 minutes long.


To accuse someone say /vote [player]
This game will have Majority and Plurality


Anyone may leave logs if they wish

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want


At least 50%+1 Blue Dragon. Other slots are not guaranteed to roll on anything.


  1. Marshal
  2. Magnus
  3. Amelia
  4. Mercenary/TBE - Died D1 Ascetic Virus
  5. Sulit
  6. ClonedCheese
  7. katze
  8. Moleland
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/join if it starts 1 hour from now



that’ll have to depend on if the others are willing to wait tha tlong but i’ll be here in 1 hour to host another if you’d like

yeah, i think i’ll host another in 1 hour so u can join that one

/conditionally in, only if @Chloe ins



May out if it takes too long.


I watch Lost




gotta in first before you can out :wink:



inability to read won’t stop me

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gotta do work

sorry i’m putting you as in cause i can’t read and don’t know what the word out means /s

thats why i outted

i detected you had to work, nerd

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fair play

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you actually want in tho or nah

dont think im gonna start without 5+ ppl