Another Pretender Rework

The Pretender :shield:

Neutral Special
Royal Blood: During an election for a new king, votes for you count twice.
No Allegiance: Death immune the first time you are attacked.

Bewilder (2 use): The King will be unable to use his day abilities today. Cannot be used during a trial.
Poison (1 use): Poison the King. The King will not be notified and they will die tonight. Cannot be used until Day 4.

Blood Test (inf use): Check if a player has Royal Blood. If they do, you will learn their class.
Kinslayer (2 use): Attack a player with Royal Blood. You must have first discovered they were Royal using Blood Test. Cannot target King.

Win condition: Become King and survive until the end of the game.

This is a somewhat more evil Pretender to discourage open Pret claims. Also I think it’s interesting to have the Pretender actually kill other royals instead of just the king.

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this is pretty good, discourages auto bd prets. poison should probably have a limit to when it can be used tho, like butler

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Maybe poison can only be used D4 onward?

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This makes Pretender an evil class (because, you can poison the GK, obviously) = nice.

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This doesn’t really stop open pretender claims though. If you claim pretender D1 and are helping BD out then there’s a reasonable chance that they know the king will end up dying eventually. Now a healer or chronomancer could stop you with healing the king N4 or N5 respectively but I doubt that ever happens. The reason why D1 pretender claims work is because Kings are usually to afraid of death so they won’t guard prince or confirmed healers and just guard themselves instead. This leads to them looking uber suspicious. One of the reasons BD is fine with a pretender is because Pretender has no reason to kill K/O royals(Prince and Drunk) as they offer a tremendous ability for BD. The only BD pretender will kill are nobles and princesses. Every other royal is fine. Therefore the poison just makes it so there is a secret way for pretender to kill King without anyone knowing.

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The one thing I will say is that this makes pretender less confirmable with ballot mixing. However as ballot mixing also relied on the King this is probably a change that doesn’t matter because King would confirm the bewildered every time. Now where this gets interesting is if you gave some of the evils the bewilder ability. This would make it so pretender claims were somewhat sus of being like an invoker.

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That’s an interesting idea actually.