Anything Upick Can Happen - GAME OVER

Just nobody else vote him until he’s defended himself
if anyone else votes pkr they’re autoscum

You can usually tell if PKR is Town or mafia based on how he reacts to a d1 push on him

I like these terms

What do you mean?

TBH Firekitten does actually seem scummy to me rn, just ISO every comment / action they’ve made on this initial action

This initial RVS push on PKR
You’ll see what I mean

I thought that’s just how firekitten normally acts on D1. TBH Noz seems more scummy to me


Do you know what I’m referring to?
It’s really the opposite of what zmI usually see fromFK

TBH every action whammerist has done seems scummy.

Pushing on someone without proof?

What’s the logic in that.

Not like I do that all the time

I’ll write this up when I get home


I am on moblie

At school :wink: chill out

if you are at school you should try to learn sth.

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At school?

My next two classes I don’t actually learn it’s my fav classes

What are theu

I would try to learn

When in graphic design k?

See how much I can gain from that

How is me literally giving you hints to my role name scummy?


A massclaim Day 1 is usually not good if the game designer is smart enough to design a decent setup.

Is Ici? kek