Impossible. You can’t take more than one action per phase
a police officer disrespecting the law?
you go first. Play meme
It’s in the law
thats good
((using the same meme three times is sure to win me the fight))
It ruins your standing with the common people
did i?
/draw lightsaber
Holy jesus. what is that? what the fuck is that? WHAT IS THAT, PRIVATE MAGNUS??
/pulls out poleaxe
Nothin’ personel, kid.
/teleport away
catch me bois
I didn’t get my turn yet
dude tf
I’ve fought cheeky shaolins before ; )
/charges the boi, using spike of the poleaxe to unleash the might of thomas the dank engine
/sidestep and parry the attack
sad part is if this happened in game then my char would be dead, no matter amount of hp he had lol
/unleash the feats
/parry and counter before they have time to unleash them. attack lightsin
parrying a throwable bomb? lul, thats a new
/unleash turtle mode which is shit on by the community 24/7
i have literally attacked once.