April Fool - Game over!

Astand ducks away to their scumchat for a moment before returning

That isn’t right is it?

Whatever your delusions are.

Found the jester

Bot screwed your quote it seems.

System got triggered

It knows that I’m right :eyes:

@astand what is your flavor?

We will win this via classcard angleshooting

Why do you need to know?


If you don’t you are lockjester

That’s why

What if it isn’t, what makes you think Marl can’t lie in rules

Yet that precisely contradicts your earlier statement where you said the flavor would help us.

That’s strange.

Tell us or die

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lemme pocket you

Bastard game is bastard


If you really want to know, I have an investigative ability.

I remove it then

Why does everyone have abilities except for me

My only ability is a passive one at the start of the game. I feel you bro.