Arete's Ask-Me-Things Thread

If you had to describe yourself using one word, which one would you choose?


Iā€™m not sure this one needs an explanation :upside_down_face:

Letā€™s be real, I donā€™t think Kape and Tele are so much different from each other.

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We arenā€™t?

The real question is whether alt-accounting on four different accounts is twice as serious as alt-accounting on one (because you have twice as many accounts), or three times as serious (because you have three times as many unauthorized accounts), or whether it scales in some less linear manner.

Ooh. Whatā€™s your favourite class, race, and your top moment with one of your characters?


Favorite class would be either wizard or warlock (because I am a Boring Stereotypical Nerd), favorite race would be elf (for the same reason), and my top character moment would probably be the conversation that followed after the character I played for most of last school year admitted in-character to being a fiend pact warlock.

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