”Argument thread”

(It’s a meme copypasta uwu)

That again at my face this time bitch

let’s argue

You’re just not a real anime-loving Otaku. You are one of those trash who can’t love anime and appreciate it. Just cuz u predicted few things here and there does not mean you are the man or anything… The studio actually meant to do it that way and give clues on purpose ( it’s not like they cover 2% of all mysteries ) to increase the hype. Overall, the production, art, animation…etc are spectacularly done. The anime has actually overwhelmed the manga in regard of the thriller felt while detailing all information provided in the manga without missing any key-events. The way i see it, you should go watch some Netflix cuz you are not suited for anime you fkn loser.

Honestly, my opinion on it

  1. We have higher expectations for every player

  2. Veterans treat this competitively, newer people treat it casually

What r u talking about?

And I’m not memeing in this thread, if we have arguments here

Ehh, I feel like people on the site have been having too high expectations on every player, and thinking they can be active all the time

Look at the planters game for example

now I am really offended you think I dont know navy seals copypasta

I got scared

Oh yeah

When have a society have we decided that it’s bad to try hard at games

It seems more like an excuse for why someone lost and they are going to try to insult them

Navy seal copy pasta is best copy pasta

Not the point

It’s difference of perspective

We have expectations of you playing a game you joined. Why lower it

I went off topic

Nah relax when I am pissed I write like this. See, dots.

I also use dots to express disbelief tho like
You did this. No.
so you gotta know some context

If you can’t post more than 5 posts during like 10 days, don’t join the game.


And I don’t call people bitch
Too chad

Also if you aren’t willing to read a 1000 posts

I know it’s kind of hard to find a balance, and everyone is different.

I’m not saying your wrong in anyway, cause there should be expectations, but I feel like people have higher expectations then they should.