”Argument thread”

Type ?guideapp in the server and you will see

App Summary: be active and helpful in the ask-a-guide or other game related sections of the discord

Also Argument thread should be renamed to shitpost thread+ how to become guide change my mind

basically be a good person


Cookie thread v3

Be an active and helpful person

Be a good person


Who wants to argue w/ me so the thread doesn’t get locked

Nah you can get nodded

Many non good people have been guides before :slight_smile:

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That shade though. Also it’s because the people who pick the guides are imperfect and fallen for the disguise of a nice guy. I wonder if marl realizes what thread we are in

That’s slang for you can take your argument elsewhere :^)



This is the argument thread

I’m not referring to any current guides so it isn’t shade

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I hope I am not included in that list

tries to start argument but rolls a 1