”Argument thread”

Not exactly,I left the server

Sometimes the mafiauniverse grind takes a lot of your time and you can no longer judge people in a turbo casual setting

hot take
cheese is better than ham

he doesn’t play on mu tho

Hey I am right here

But you wouldve told Xblade and stuffs that you had to leave for reasons and thus couldn’t commit to TOL judging?

also being ignorant on purpose is awesome (I know what you meant lol)

What I mean is that Captain prolly had other stuff to do and TOL was taking too much of his time

Actually no,I just don’t wanna talk about it that is all

Hmm that is probably correct,I was on reports for 4 hours each day and I wasn’t happy about outcome

4 hour report grind what a beast OwO

I feel like you did 4 hours cause you procrastinated doing something else

no one does something like that for four hours



My flatmate’s name is Daniel I’m saving this

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Also whisdeer getting judge promotion when

What is this resin

You know when people love to argue for the sake of doing it? Welcome!

The most off topic off topic thread

Actually I had free time then and I did it without procrastinating

how does one guide