Art Spotlight: Court Wizard vs Sage. Very different when HD!

When we see CW vs Sage at 50px resolution, it’s hard to appreciate the grandeur of the 2:

(low res)

Looks like a small edit, right? Now, open this in a new tab and zoom (this still isn’t the full res of each for the sake of keeping them side-by-side):

  • Xed did the CW (left) - came 1st.
  • Adiart did the Sage (right) - came later.

The only part that is actually 1:1 the same about them … are proportions (outline). The rest is actually completely redrawn, repainted in Adiart’s own style.

Let’s start with the mustache style and strokes:

You can already see that these are 2 completely different styles, when zoomed. The left mustache is more “outwards” like _/_/\_\_ while the right is more “downwards/straight” like /|||||\. Adi’s version I also believe has a “smoother/straighter” nose.

Let’s compare paint strokes:

Xed has more abstract/textured strokes while Adi has more smooth/silky strokes, both wonderful in their own styles.

Finally, the “halo”:

Xed’s version was more of a chaotic swirl, while Adi’s swirl is more stylized with a less-abstract approach.

They both have so much flavor and go deep into detail - such detail that I wish I could show more in-game than what the tiny portraits barely portray.

So much detail goes into many of the art pieces that created Throne of Lies.

Which portrait do you like the best?

  • Court Wizard (Xed)
  • Sage (Adi)

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