Assassin in the Palace 3 : The Return [1/9] King and his guards win!


I am Memesky and my co-host is @psychoneirik i hope you enjoy this game :wink:

What is Assassin in the palace?

It’s a gamemode in which one player is a king and majority are his guards. There is 1 assassin who can attempt to kill the king at any time. And if he kills king he wins,and if he doesn’t king and guards win.


  • Assassin can only kill after he gets executed


The King

You are the king! Your guards know you but you don’t know them! Make sure your true identity is not revealed to the assassin as your survival is needed for victory.
Goal : Lynch the assassin without dying.

The Guard

You are a guard to the beloved king [PlayerName] lynch the assassin and make sure he doesn’t learn king’s identity or you are at high risk of losing.
Goal: Lynch the assassin without the king dying.

The Assassin

You are the assassin! You have one shot at killing the king which you can use at any time!
Goal : Kill the king


You can vote a player with /vote PlayerName,after majority was reached the player will die


The King

Players :

  1. MtheJoker - The King - Only survivor
  2. Firekitten - Rebel - Second execution
  3. Hippolytus - Rebel - Sixth execution
  4. CheesyKnives - Rebel - Stabbed by htm
  5. htm - Assassin - Seventh execution
  6. Marluxion - Rebel - Fifth execution
  7. Celeste_Ludenberg - Rebel - First execution
  8. Whammerist - Rebel - Fourth execution
  9. NuclearBuritto - Rebel - Third execution


  1. Twil1ight
  2. MaximusPrime


will join if this game looks like it’s going to turbo

It will, last 2 AITP finished in under 3 hours

Tsk. I don’t have much time however i would like to /backup if possible.


Every single Assassins In The Palace game has ended within the day it was posted

Is this a join?

no, it’s not.
I have parent’s evening tonight so I can’t play.

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How do you know what a results of the game would be this time? :smirk:

As you can see assassin can only kill if he is executed



You should let the Assassin choose to kill at any time- even after lynch. But not restrict him to ONLY after lynch. If the assassin ever gets to 1v1 with the king, Assassin can’t win

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I guess dat fine. I was thinking about making this one a bit longer but sure

Is this Assassin in the Phallus?

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/join the last one took 15 mins

Once you get that fixed, if you WANT this to be a turbo setup force a time limit of 15 minutes per lynch, with highest number of votes winning at the end of the 15 minutes (or when majority is reached)
If nobody has any votes cast by 15 minutes, make a random guard die


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I changed assassin’s kill. But i will give everyone enough time to read people.Of course if this game somehow gets long i will change something


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