Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

okay i sleep ur all cringe cya in dvc

fuck you

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oh no i absolutely want mistyx dead
a dead wolf is always a good thing
i’m just talking about what we should do on day 2 in advance

On that note after waking up I now do want mist lynched today

I’m going to blame me pushing for a different wagon on being tired

That being said I obviously do agree this is basically just D2

yeah if mistyx flips pr this gives people who kickstarted the wagon more towncred

if mistyx is a goon i could see a bus happening
but in a world where mistyx is a mafia pr, it’s very very likely wolves didn’t necessarily want to commit to bussing

i personally believe that mistyx is a goon and claimed pr for that reason, because i think mistyx wouldn’t give us that limp pr claim as an important mafia member role-wise
the claim essentially got her killed. probably wouldn’t be worth it

i also think that if mistyx is a goon, it’s possible she claimed pr for two reasons: the first one being to out a town pr or two, the second being to give a mafia member towncred

of course it’s possible mistyx just claimed pr on her own volition and didn’t consult it with her team, or claimed pr out of panic because there was no scum move planned there whatsoever

in which case most of her wagon can probably be cleared
i’m mostly speculating here and trying to figure out what makes the most sense

i’m treating these 7 hours of mistyx being an outed mafia member as an opportunity to figure out her motivation

/unvote if i haven’t already, just to make sure nothing but mistyx actually goes over today

Also just gonna note that Geyde was voting mist early has has also been on Dat/Hippo quite strongly

Make of that what you will

Okay I’m not that afraid

Just back on the idea that yes mist should die

wait one more thought before sleep

“if mist is a PR, then…” reads are too vague


the level of power in the roles is very notable

if shes like, scum JK especially, then the bus is significantly less likely from a mechanical standpoint as imo JK is the strongest role here

roleblocker also very strong but commoner so 2x RB is plausible (but still a strong role so like, gamer)

rolecop is cool

tracker is a worse rolecop and is honestly just shit

watcher is ok ig

i thought the power level varied more but uhh

JK > RB > rolecop > watcher > tracker > goon imo

useless thoughts with katze out ok sieelepeepepe bye!!!

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Our original RBer/Role Cop team was one of the better combos imo

every mafia pr is good in this setup and you don’t want them to die unless you absolutely must commit. that’s my opinion, anyway.
i don’t think the mistyx wagon was the “must absolutely commit to bussing” type. it felt more like a pressure wagon to me when it first started. definitely saveable

which is why i have no clue why mistyx claimed pr honestly, unless her partners had a weak position in the thread and needed towncred or something

this statement of mine implies that the wolfteam’s members are actually capable of effectively pushing town :wowee:

level 1 thinking here:

“let’s start/build a distancing wagon on mistyx”
mistyx: “i’m gonna claim pr to save myself, then you can swap. worst-case scenario we bait a pr and you get towncred”

seems fairly realistic to me

that thinking is not compatible with how datbird treated the mistyx slot if he’s mafia, but he could’ve (in theory) not been there for it

i think it was one of two worlds

either mistyx was genuinely surprised and threatened and claimed pr as a panic move
or it was all planned and the other wolves helped make the wagon happen

mistyx’s flip would help suggest either possibility
if she’s goon it’s a bit more likely the 2nd option is in play
if she’s pr it’s a bit more likely the 1st option is in play

in that case hippo would probably be town because his vote timing was extremely awkward

Geyde/Centuries is a team I could see but like

You guys say you’d “need to bus” as scum here but I really think that would be ill-informed

For example, consider that scum!Geyde here would be placing Solic, Centuries, Dat, and Hippo, and mist all in his PoE (alongside Marshal/Katze), a grouping that is decently likely to contain the last wolf

He successfully gets one or even both of them lynched and gets some cred

Now you fight the uphill battle of trying to comeback against people who can be really towny as town which is just an awful position to be in and unlikely to be a winning strategy

Feels like a bad move

Going by the fact that this is kinda G1-y I’ma roll with “had a plan to claim if needed but wasn’t planning to until people started discussing quickhammering them”

Like I don’t see why a middle ground can’t exist