Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

You don’t know do you

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no orange you’re wrong

it’s super common for anime and manga to give the characters’ blood types, it’s not just a Danganronpa thing

I tried looking it up at some point and apparently it’s sorta like horoscopes (in the sense of having associated personality traits that people sorta treat as a real thing without really believing it)?

aretes gonna make some comment like “:butterfly: is this wolves talking about furniture”


fuck aretes a weeb


That’s fine, not knowing isn’t uncommon

If you want to find out you could always donate blood and save a life in the process :slight_smile:


get boxed in kat

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katze is right though about it being a weeb thing


TIL ig

@DatBird open up dem veins boi

were you really just gonna tell me to donate blood

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orange is going to play this off postgame as some type of PR bait but little do we know this is the security question to logging into katze’s bank account



why didnt you just say “donate blood you fuck”

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Are you implying I’m scum here

i prob shouldnt, mainly due to medical history and stuff.

That would be far too straightforward for what I’m asking


its implying you are vt trying to bait kill



well tbf im not sure, but thats the excuse I have in my mind as like Im not an organ donor for that reason. Like im damaged goods as it is concerning that stuff

sorry for ruining the mood with depressing talks about why my organs suck