Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

fuck you

cringe mon

are wolf prs compulsive

1v1 me final destination puff only

Presumably no

Fuck disney

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I would but slippi banned

someones hosting a slippi tournament but making it for charity so if nintendo denies it they are denying charity

ok ill bite whats a slippi

way to play melee online

slippi your mom

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i meant in ultimate lul

do y’all think i can like, actually play technically skilled smash


/vote mistyx






/vote noelimination

wait mist im telling you in wolf chat a funny joke


nice one

smh couldnt even spew me as town wtf

ok thats all i shall return to the void

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chau nerd

ive neen playing scp containment breach on roblox and its actually rlly fun