Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

I don’t think it’s Hippo/Kat
But Solic has like

actual conviction

Why did you say Hippo was cleared again?

I’ve got bad news about that

katze wrote a wallpost overnight :slight_smile:
(reads inside)


no, she didn’t

i didn’t reread at all (beyond like, catching up from when i slept -> EoD) because im lazy and have decided i don’t need to try

im also lock town for obvious reasons atp? katze locktown? yes?

anyway, in conclusion

/vote [n1 kill]

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oui oui baguette

Wow shocker

I’m not that spineless when I’m scum…, but I’ll take it.

also the marshal nightkill should actually hardclear me because it was extremely obvious he was fake

as if my interactions with flipped wolves weren’t obvious enough


last wolf is prob conroy


Arete is also luxx v2 it seems

Been typing like since I got here

spew + mist isn’t enough of an idiot to kill themselves when wagons are w/w/w

It’s mainly like
handling dat reasonably in a way that, when I backread, doesn’t look like you’re handling slot in bad faith
you take a reasonable stance that happened to be wrong

I’ll take that point, but it requires me also to find the votecount right before Mist outed meeh.


Unless in the off off chance it was a “GET ME OUT” move.

i was tempted to come into thread and pretend to be a given up wolf but im pretty sure that’d be the stupidest FPS like, literally ever

itd be funny but v stupid


What would that even accomplish

why is it me again

is no one even going to bother trying to w case me

wolves had one PR (dat) so they knew there was no chance of their PR claim going uncc’d
claiming PR only makes sense as a suicidal attempt to take someone down with her
which mist doesn’t do unless there’s somebody to carry on the flame of gamers after she’s gone

laughs and then me getting MLed and then shittalked

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