Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!


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good idea

y’all deserve the guillotine i swear

/vote sulit

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no u

sulit third impostor

robespierre would like to meet you

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alright im fucking with you all

there was no motion around conroy last night

which doesnt actually mean anything since dat could have carried the factional so have at him

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you’re lying to try and give me hope

sulit is voting herself now
mission complete

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Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Centuries Solic, orangeandblack5, Icibalus, Arete 4/6
sulit sulit 1/6
Arete Geyde 1/6
Not voting Centuries, Hippoyeetus, Vulgard, katze 4

this wagon formation always yeets a wolf


@Arete actually tho before you die

who tf did you target if not marshal

or are you rber or something

@sulit what do you have against lynching conroy

honestly we can just use sulit as a weapon to read conroy im probably willing to sheep her read on him for today

im saying this so i have less affiliation to the ML when its inevitably going to happen

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yeah except sulit has not defended him once this entire wagon

im being bullied fuck you guys im crying rn

she called him town d1 and hasn’t joined the wagon


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yeah that’s really not the same thing