Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

I initially wrote “Orange has done some stuff I consider borderline stupid stuff if he would be scum, which I’ve taken into account earlier”

And I’m not sure why I deleted it?

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you said something referencing my play as “stupid” on the line below and I was like “fuck you”

but that makes more sense

if this is the case then the villagers this game are more pepega than quickhammering conroy a few hours into d2 was

what are your concerns with me, then

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kat what are the odds I can convince you it’s sulit

try me, i guess

i don’t think it’s her

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if it is her I’m going to be personally offended but I’m re-reading her rn

I was skimming through your interactions with wolves and I don’t understand why the conclusion was not w/w


I get it

I’m dumb ok


ur scum

if its her i give you permission to call me cringe 1-10 times postgame

but i do not think sulit is a wolf

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im not scum

o rly

then say potato


gottem, lock scum


i don’t know if my interactions with wolves are clearing to other people but consider how katze normally plays wolf and consider their road to winning with dat/mist teammates

do you think that i am on that path

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arete back me up on this

im not scum!!! Dum!!!

I became meta blind after a gas leak

im trying to be fairly transparent this game although im definitely trying less now then i was on D1 because… i don’t feel the need to tryhard anymore

and i gues you could go “katze wolf no wim” but my wim as a wolf is p much always high if IRL isn’t in my way, only exception i can think of is maybe vanilla nightless when i was about to die because, well, that should have been gamelosing (and it was in 99/100 worlds)

okay then disregard meta (except the part where i do stupid shit for fun like openwolf, thats kinda important) and read my posts and tell me that im playing like someone who has TMI that both wolf teammates are going to die super earlygame

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