Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

what he said on D1 literally backs me up and what he said when reading our slot in hydra game 3 backs me up further

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Iā€™m not referring to Marshal
Iā€™m trying to figure out how a wolf in your position would be acting to see if it lines up with any semblance of reality

To speak simply your interactions are just sorta there and while they do exist
I donā€™t really feel myself being pulled strongly by them?

I donā€™t know if your meta
A lot of your game has been doing shit in thread which I havenā€™t thought deeply about nor do I think it is particularly AI

I donā€™t jive with all of your reads given the point in time when youā€™ve made them
And I havenā€™t ever really seen beneath the hood

uhh, if i were to put myself in his shoes

heā€™d probably say something about my tone, my bitchiness, my subtle LAMISTy attitude, and the fact that iā€™m not an obvious wolf

actually he wouldnt say that last part because he always calls me an obvious wolf regardless of his read on me but heā€™d probably think it

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Oh shit I just realized

Youā€™ve a pole rammed up your ass

I donā€™t find anything youā€™ve done to be actively good
And I canā€™t see any real disconnect youā€™ve had with wolves to the point that Iā€™d call it actually w/w

The problem is knowing what is in range vs out of range
Other people were dunking while youā€™ve just been there

realized what

with all of that said im getting another piece of apple pie cause itā€™s delicious and both times iā€™ve typed apple i typoed it as appel before fixing it so shoutout to @appelsiini i guess


Itā€™s Thanksgiving and I havenā€™t posted Aliceā€™s Restaurant Massacree


do you think any of that is actually AI for you or does Marshal just think it is, you drew a distinction earlier

Solic throwing shade at me btw is like
Really weird for a wolf to do in this situation when Iā€™m basically the only person defending them


When in doubt

Iā€™ll never feel bad about lynching somebody who has openwolfed


in short

if you say youā€™re scum, Iā€™ll take your word for it

Mist did it and lookee

which reads and when, i can try to remember my mindset but no promises

wouldnā€™t you like to know?

except, does my answer even matter?

regardless of alignment you know i take stride in being a bitch to read because i find it funny

with that said thereā€™s definitely some aspects of my play that he thinks are AI that arenā€™t, and aspects he thinks are AI that are AI :slight_smile:

when i was putting the pie on my plate i was tempted to do what boknows did in hydra game 3 and now im even more tempted to do that

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No idea what that means

he was a villager who pretended to be a wolf who had given up



i think iā€™d take more accomplishment in endgaming this game than enjoyment by openwolfing again though

i think my play this game is miles away from what iā€™d do as a wolf

unfortunately for geyde/orange half of that isnā€™t apparent if you donā€™t know what i do and arete doesnā€™t seem to actually want to read my posts to figure out my alignment so :joy_cat:

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