Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

Can you blame them

partially but since theyā€™re not actively trying to kill me not entirely



Iā€™m trying to read your posts to figure out your alignment

I just have low confidence in my ability to actually get the right answer


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Mist at rand v
Centuries v enough to be right next to Arete/Vulgard

I remember your logic but if it was this strong then why did it not stick

You had dat at discard despite having good reason to w read them?

Mainly Dat/Conroy/Mist stuff
Everything else was pretty cut and dry and I felt like you handled marshal okay

It wasnā€™t strong enough to make a case either way
Because I can see why you make certain conclusions
I just get weirded out by certain things

wowee you took a quote out of context without looking at why im specifically V reading her good job orange

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Okay I have a really dumb read



How the FUCK

Something I liked specifically from Kat is them engaging with Areteā€™s push on me
A lot of other stuff didnā€™t stick out in my memory

Literally how


whatā€™s your read

Read the list and tell me

Not trying to be difficult but itā€™s just very lol

I was noting the thing I didnā€™t understand
And I wanted to hear Kats side before I make any conclusion


Mist is there twice

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Youā€™re right

Why indeed