Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
sulit Hippoyeetus, Geyde 2/5
orangeandblack5 katze 1/5
Geyde Arete 1/5
Not voting Icibalus, Solic, sulit, orangeandblack5 4

I thought a couple things about his posting were townie when I Isoā€™d him D1, mainly early game emotions + a particular style of pedantry that I think is >rand V

here's the post

[quote=ā€œArete, post:1290, topic:84772, full:trueā€]
ok Iā€™m bored so Iā€™m going to do some Isos

starting with Solic because he has the fewest posts and Iā€™m lazy

I think this is slightly >rand V, specifically the part about being happy that it could get rerolled because he wanted to be scum, I think it would be sort of unlikely for scum to think of something like that

ok this isnā€™t super relevant to Solicā€™s alignment but Iā€™m really curious if Marshal saying this was villagery was an actual read because this post seems ~completely NAI

kinda mindmelded with this post a bit? probably a good look

this post is kind meh, they quoted a massive wall and basically just said ā€˜I like thisā€™ with like one piece of elaboration, it feels vaguely pockety

also I basically buy that he believed my PR claim over Marshalā€™s and Iā€™m not dead


tbf the N1 kill was decided by at least two if not also some input from mist

Whatā€™s your consideration regarding the point I raised in his defense regarding conviction and good faith argumentation on Datā€™s slot


in my admittedly very limited experience with scum Solic he can fake conviction on reads that he knows arenā€™t true (thinking here of him deathtunnelling me in SFoL 53, though thatā€™s admittedly backwards of the situation Iā€™m looking at here) so I donā€™t want to give him too much credit for seemingly believing his reads

i burned my hand on the oven

run it under cold water

i did

blisters are normal but burns do still suck

But his read on Dat held up to scrutiny really well

Most of my burns in the past few years have actually been on objects so hot the skin just instantly dies and it doesnā€™t even blister

Actually much better

sounds pleasant

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Can wolf Solic really make an extremely good argument to defend his partner that isnā€™t overreaching and holds internally

it was like completely wrong tho

continue iso katze

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Donā€™t you mean blaze

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His logic for his conclusion made sense
It just didnā€™t accurately represent the entire slot and proved to be wrong in the end given that Dat was scum

ur mean