Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

anyway im making a high level read

if datbird feels like a villager and is a wolf, his teammates are probably 2/3 of the following:



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bold of you to assume iā€™m capable of successfully arguing my reads


Honestly tempted to scumread Arete for this pfp nonsense

inciting confusion helps scum

not ai

are u saying he be more perfomative as scum? Im trying to understand

Scum need to try
And Marshalā€™s actively not trying

Itā€™s not the type where it helps him at all later either
It gets people to focus on his slotā€™s posts a lot
Itā€™s just strictly bad play for scum


teamcomp could in theory be demotivating

way too early to read into that

Iā€™m a threadread god
You cannot speak heresy against me

if marshal is a W then his teammates suck is all this means


Marshal plays to win
Why would he throw in the towel immediately

weā€™re also 2 hours into D1 so that read probably just sucks, period

but i think marshal is V for different reasons

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I can see that, but like this dude does do rts all the time. Im not gonna put it past him to be some kind of plan of his tbh

i think this read is dumb
we have like 0 consensus at the moment
too early to determine his team sucks if heā€™s w
i lean him v for other reasons but thatā€™s definitely not one of them

can u go into those reasons?


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fuck you kat

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ill dm you my phone number postgame


i always wanted to say that

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