Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

katze claiming PR -> rescinding PR -> claiming PR -> rescinding PR -> claiming PR -> rescinding PR is a true combo

just like wobbling

arete is now perpetually stuck in my grasp

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of course not, that would imply youā€™re town :^)

arete :joy_cat: arete

get boxed in nerd

I had < rand reads
letā€™s go gamers

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Happens to the best of us

if you flip V us mercilessly tunneling eachother becomes a lot funnier

but youā€™re the only one today who i feel like is playing for a wolf wincon


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Wait but you said I was


specifically today

i think your macro is >>rand V but not lock V because you bussing is like the only way you win with that team imo


Iā€™ve no problem with it
This game has been pretty fun

Glad you think so

this is like
my only reservation with the slot

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fmpov dat/mist suicided into me within their first five posts but ok

orange in literally any other game id lock you V :joy_cat:

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*in reference to having fun

dat didnā€™t cc mist because he wasnā€™t on in time

I mean I have no choice unless Ici does in fact claim a sick vig shot on dat after stressing he wouldnā€™t do that


if the plan was for dat to CC id imagine thereā€™d be some pings in wolfchat

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Why would they not have just waited for mist to claim