Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

I’m up to, like, post 112, for reference



i dont even care about your alignment anymore that’s worth a policy

for arete

about my comments earlier regarding ‘wanting you to feel what I have felt this game’

I’d like to say that some times I forget what a person is
And more importantly that people deserve to be treated just like that; people

and in that

I feel like I often forget what it means to exist in the first place
And why we are here
I toil and bend to whatever the person near me proposes

without anything else
it has no shape of its own
it simply conforms

do I relate to it somewhat?

but do I think it can get better?

there’s a fine line between wanting to improve and actually going through with it
one week off of my semester and I already find myself wasting away as the days go bye
a decrepit oaf who wanted the world
yet fell into old habits when that opportunity presented itself

like water am I not?

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for Geyde


but water has many forms, and the fundamental water-ness of the water stays the same even if it’s frozen into an ice sculpture

even if you find yourself falling into the same patterns you’ve fallen into before, that doesn’t mean it has to be the same forever, any more than a water droplet will remain in the same lake forever

you can always talk to me if you need someone to talk to

Y’all weird

Also @Arete before we make any snap judgements

what’d you watch

Sword Art Online

I really like the parts of the show that are about, like, the institutions people have created in the world

whereas the swordfighting parts are mostly kind of meh

so the fact that I’m watching it is sort of weird given that it has roughly the proportion of stabbing people with swords that you would expect from a show that is literally named Sword Art Online?

I’ll let you enjoy it and not speak of it further then

the last policy comment was a joke

the next one won’t be


let people enjoy things

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okay that’s a lie

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what if i dont like those things


well maybe if your sister would actually show up to anime night we could watch Fate: Zero like we’re trying to

let Arete enjoy things

my sister dodging anime night?

maybe she is my sister

ok fine

but i’ll judge them silently


Now that’s much better

@Arete can I get an eta on this case

Boutta take a nap

it’ll probably be a while


be back in a bit probably

my hopes are high

i also just crashed my minecraft and am blaming this on arete