Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

/unvote @Chloe @astand

thinking we should just slow down on votes cause we’ve had multiple 4/7 wagons in only a few hours and it’s kind of stupid? like i don’t trust any of you to not quickhammer (hence me claiming)

i smelt a vague amount of “powerwolf” in oranges iso earlier but im not seeing it now so he can be null again ig

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I again ask where people (kat) think powerwolfing/hammers are going to come out this early into a 48 hour day

like you need thread positioning first

it’s all about leverage

in this setup/playerlist i’d expect certain players to start trying to domineer thread very early as W

you being one of them

on a sidenote id ont remember changing my pfp to this

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Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Marshal Arete, sulit, Mistyx 3/7
Hippoyeetus Vulgard, Geyde 2/7
katze Centuries, Marshal 2/7
Solic Hippoyeetus 1/7
DatBird orangeandblack5 1/7
Not voting Solic, Icibalus, DatBird, katze 4


oh god

i think im giving conroy/mist too much towncred actually

especially since my mist read is basically exactly down to comfort in thread/postcount

but i still think they’re both V

the fact i have only 5 people in null or below right now is concerning me despite the fact i went into this game knowing it’d be incredibly easy




Probably A Villager


>rand V


Discard Pile


>rand W


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also vaguely remembering vulgard saying that im underestimating aretes wolfgame and i dont remember if i replied to it

he might be right but i don’t think he is

but im v confident in him being V so i might sheep it later

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I feel like our lists are, on the whole, decently aligned

i retract my locktowning of arete upon rereading this post is a bit worse than first glance

theyre still prob V tho

also see in replies marshal thinks arete V for this post when i think this is completely NAI as wolf!arete knows how town!arete reads vulgard


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bottom post is written like V!arete but not in an unfakable way is my point, the topic of reading vulgard is frequent enough that replicating the attitude should be pretty easy for them (i feel like marshal should know that but he’ll self resolve or die eventually anyway, probably)

i do kinda think the way arete handled the reading of vul is decent but i thought vuls opening was pretty obv V for him and i cant tell if arete disagreeing means anything or not, and again, this is a recurring enough topic i don’t want to give them too much credit for it

but nobody is in thread except maybe orange and i don’t really want to talk to him alone so yeetze

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You voted me for no reason and gave me 0 explanation how is me asking why you voted me “why you care so much”

Wanna give a single reason why instead of just gut meta or wowee

read my posts bordering to the vote

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Did you not read my response to vul

How is what I said wrong

If I wanted to know who I could safely push I’d just check mafia chat, all mafia talk about is like pr stuff usually lol.