Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

sulit its almost 1am go the fuck to sleep

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is icibalus obv town

i think so yes

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not quite


their posts didnā€™t make me physically cringe

they donā€™t look like they want to commit die

they feel natural in thread

they made posts that donā€™t suck

disclaimer iā€™ve only played with ici like twice and i could probably do some W!Ici research but i wouldnt touch today

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Im still reading but does like anyone have a read on Mist, after last game i learned i have 0 good way to read her.

well imma sleep need to fix my sleep schedule a bit

ok Iā€™m bored so Iā€™m going to do some Isos

starting with Solic because he has the fewest posts and Iā€™m lazy

I think this is slightly >rand V, specifically the part about being happy that it could get rerolled because he wanted to be scum, I think it would be sort of unlikely for scum to think of something like that

ok this isnā€™t super relevant to Solicā€™s alignment but Iā€™m really curious if Marshal saying this was villagery was an actual read because this post seems ~completely NAI

kinda mindmelded with this post a bit? probably a good look

this post is kind meh, they quoted a massive wall and basically just said ā€˜I like thisā€™ with like one piece of elaboration, it feels vaguely pockety

[quote=ā€œSolic, post:631, topic:84772ā€]
This level of sass reads frustrated townie to me that is probably not having the best day, feel better Birdo

ESPECIALLY, since they seem to have the morals of taking the high road when scum as seen by

this one is a bit better, I think the depth of thought and nuance in this post is a good look for Solic. It also doesnā€™t really feel like the sort of read scum would think to fake?

also, a thing I notice throughout Solicā€™s Iso is that heā€™s being kind of pedantic about minor details, like here

and here

I think that sort of pedantry is likely to be >rand V, wolves tend to be more focused on placating people whereas Solic doesnā€™t really see concerned about that? you could argue that heā€™s doing it for towncred but he doesnā€™t really seem to be trying to milk cred from it

the rest of his posts after that seem basically NAI, he asks some questions but theyā€™re not, like, super AI for him

overall Iā€™d say Solicā€™s a townlean, he only really had a couple of posts that pinged me and a bunch of posts that I found slightly townie. Not super confident on this given that his postcount is so low, but I donā€™t really want to go here today.

okay Hippo next

thread is basically dead minus for arete posting isos

ive like, kind of read geyde/orange who i didnt really bother reading before

The point about Geyde being angry thus meaning heā€™s scum with a pretty townsided townteam is ehh, Geyde is an annoyed DUMBIE 99% of the time so I wouldnā€™t really call that very ai, Reading Geyde doesnā€™t really give me any vibes, feels very different than everyone else

I think Hippo has made a few posts that sounded pretty genuine, they were about his meta though, I donā€™t think tone is unfakeable from him but itā€™s > rand v, could trend down

I agree with Mist concerning how Orange feels similar to his play in Umineko, not that I wanted to remember that game, Iā€™ve never seen scum Orange iirc so I donā€™t know how different he is as scum, > rand v aswell

Ici apparently is obvious town, Iā€™m fine with the read

will be back later

going to play games

Weā€™re pretty close to having a very good number of consensus townies btwbtw, assuming prs arenā€™t among very top consesus town :^)

Hippo Iso

opens with memeing

more memeing

I donā€™t want to read too much into this because Iā€™m pretty sure he opens with memeing as both alignments

in context heā€™s replying to Geyde and Vulā€™s votes on him (n.b. he hasnā€™t made a read on either of them at this point), I didnā€™t really notice it at the time but now that Iā€™m actually reading and ā€¦ noticing that Hippo hadnā€™t made a read on either of them ā€¦ this feels like a kind of wolfy way to avoid actually addressing the suspicion on him

I think this is a slightly villagery thought to express, like, in W!Hippo V!Dat worlds I think it would be more advantageous for Hippo to just not say that and let Dat keep softdefending him

thin read but itā€™s there

I feel like Hippo has a lot of posts like this, where he says someone could be Mafia and doesnā€™t really explain it at all, it feels like shade given the lack of elaboration + the way he expresses it as ā€˜X could be Mafiaā€™ rather than making an actual read, which in my experience is often a sign of a wolf trying to get someone yeeted without taking responsibility for it (my read on Geyde aside)

although he explains it a little later, which is better, didnā€™t see this until I scrolled down

spends a bunch of time talking about katā€™s PR claim, I donā€™t really like this. realistically itā€™s not going to accomplish anything besides outing PRs and thereā€™s not really a good reason to do it as town

part of this might be hindsight from kat rescinding :wowee:

not really seeing the progression on his Geyde read, he goes from ā€˜Geyde could be Mafiaā€™ to ā€˜Geyde probably townā€™ with no intervening steps

@Hippolytus can you clarify how you got from Point A to Point B

I think him calling Vul a ā€˜bitchā€™ is slightly >rand V though

like if heā€™s a wolf insulting Vul isnā€™t going to do anything but make Vul annoyed with him and thereā€™s no reason to be antagonistic like that as scum

then he spends a bunch of posts complaining about people scumreading him

I donā€™t think any of these are particularly AI in either direction but the sheer volume of his Iso thatā€™s just complaining about being scumread isnā€™t great, like, I get that no one likes being scumread as any alignment but itā€™s legitimately like half his Iso

Overall conclusions

overall Iā€™m not feeling great about Hippo, he had a couple posts that pinged me as slightly villagery but his overall posting is Not Great, and his primary focus of the game for basically the entire second half of his Iso is complaining that people are wolfreading him

would be fine with a Hippo yeet today

Vul I see you typing!! hi! I feel like I havenā€™t been in thread with you at all

I should probably go to sleep, itā€™s pretty late here

see you all in the morning

would appreciate thoughts on my Isos


if speaking objective truths is villagery thenā€“


time to enter the Vulgard Wallpost Waiting Room and then probably sleep before he finishes cause itā€™s 4:30AM and ive been half asleep for like 6 hours :joy_cat:

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ok I lied I still have more thoughts

given that kat has now claimed and rescinded ā€˜unspecified PRā€™ I think itā€™s not going to hurt anything to out this, I had a wolf-or-PR read on kat at the time

thereā€™s some potential village motivation in wanting to know if someone is really an unCCā€™d PR because it means theyā€™re basically confirmed town and you donā€™t have to sort them, like SAG with Mistslot in our hydra game

i should start playing on a different account maybe

i honestly forgot he even posted this
thatā€™s how little impact his posts have had on me this game
?probably? not a good sign but i canā€™t really say for sure

this post is leaning very close to village arete

what a surprise

also a village arete post

three in a row

i think youā€™re giving him too much credit
yeah iā€™m starting to trust arete

same with you which is why iā€™m not giving you a free pass

my reads are garbage until i start isoing people so i canā€™t agree unless i iso him again

iā€™m getting the opposite impression but it could be just me being bad at fm

you hosted one
evolution mafia

reads like entertained wolf

wait how has datbird not managed to make a single read yet?? am i missing something
oh finally he scumreads marshal

i donā€™t want to preflip but this specific paragraph about marshal feels like a wolf talking about a villager