Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

the question mark is that i don’t remember rescinding but i’ll go with it because wifom is my favorite beverage

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kinda feel like you’re appealing a lot to the General Consensus Reads/etc., first with your treatment of my read on Vul and then here

is there a reason for that

i’m in a remote classroom right now and we’re writing an argumentative essay and i am once again reminded i have no idea how to make arguments

oh i did write that

i just wanted arete to write words about me

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hot take

marshal/datbird not w/w based on what i’ve seen from both @ each other


i have a spicy read i feel like sharing with literally zero explanation and im also going to word it in an extremely absurd way

i think orange is threadspewed V


figure out what side you’re going to argue

come up with some reasons that side is right

make each of those reasons a paragraph

figure out what the arguments against your side are

write a paragraph knocking down each of those reasons (‘although some might argue that doing X would lead to Y, in fact it would lead to Z, which is not Y’)

add an introduction

add a conclusion


i’ve also started to think orange is v

these are words that mean nothing to me when i actually have to write it or talk about it

i kinda get what you’re saying here so i don’t find it too absurd
where would that leave you poe-wise?


like I can buy ‘orange V’ but given the number of people who have called him not V I really don’t think he’s threadspewed

if i write one more post i will have 69
temptation to write one more post and dip until d2 increases


which part is the part you usually get stuck on

(or is that all the parts)

okay to explain my read

i’ve noted a few non-W/W interactions orange has had

unless the team is very very very specific (or my reads suck) orange is probably just a villager

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are you sure you’re not over/underestimating some people if orange is not w/w with so many people? i’m not sure

I don’t think that’s what threadspewed means but maybe I’m dumb

which interactions in particular are you thinking of

yes that isnt what threadspewed is

no i don’t care

currently trying to expand it because it’s 4 people

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okay i looked at my notes and the post i pointed out for why orange/hippo aren’t W/W isn’t even a post written by orange or hippo what the fuck