Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

yeah and then you re-randed the game

/vote katze

I got VIG first rand



Arete is probably a villager:tm:

thereā€™s my thread consensus read time to dip and find more obvious villagers and then get D1ed and flip Mafia :joy_cat:

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ok let me reformulate

he shows a regression of interest in a ā€œtownie who hopped into thread and then noticed the thread was mostly interacting without themā€ way

katze mafia katze mafia

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Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Marshal Mistyx, Arete, Geyde, Marshal 4/7
katze Centuries, sulit 2/7
Arete katze 1/7
orangeandblack5 DatBird 1/7
DatBird orangeandblack5 1/7
Not voting Hippoyeetus, Solic, Vulgard, Icibalus 4

oh also conroy is making reads that require more than 3 braincells which is >rand V for him

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you said you were hoping youā€™d be dead in this game by the time the CD game would start! thatā€™s super spewy! the fact that I was wrong isnā€™t the point

but did you win

conroy appears to have gotten Stuck:tm: on datcourse

yes Iā€™m a gamer


I have to go to the airport, going to be out of thread for a bit

wish me luck not catching Covid :slightly_smiling_face:

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It was entirely related to me not wanting to multitable and (clearly considering it was wrong) doesnā€™t spew shit

fuck you thats just all my posts dont u dare call my scumposting ā€œposting with less than 3 braincellsā€ its highly offensive to me if u say i dont use half my braincells to post

tell your parents i said hi


good luck

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ok, everyone please village read me now

Areteā€™s trying to pocket me by liking my posts

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wait, full vig?

no 1-shot