Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

what are you gonna do about it


Dat spew analysis

Iā€™m focusing specifically on the posts that are actually relevant rather than looking at every single post he made

I feel like this is a good look for orange, this doesnā€™t feel like a wolf talking to a partner because of how heā€™s appealing to orangeā€™s character rather than his alignment

same with this

this feels like a wolf appealing to a villager

basically every time I read through a Dat/orange interaction Iā€™m like ā€˜wow this really spews orange Vā€™

this feels especially unlikely to be W/W, the way Dat appeals specifically to orangeā€™s way of reading him rather than anything about orange himself feels like heā€™s trying to discredit the reads of someone he has TMI is V

Iā€™m going to stop quoting orange posts because Iā€™m lazy but Iā€™m pretty comfortable with orange being spewed V

this post is painfully awkward

I vaguely remember Hippo specifically pointing it out and being like ā€˜is Dat trying to pocket me?ā€™ which is probably a good look for him

this + a couple of the surrounding posts are an example of what I meant when I mentioned Dat and Geyde having some low-content interactions, like, Geyde is trying to defend himself by saying that as scum he interacts with his teammates a lot but ā€¦ I donā€™t see how that clears him when things like this existā€¦

this feels like it TMIs Marshal V


the eye roll emoji here feels like a slightly good look for Geyde?

this feels like a slightly good look for kat, like it feels more like a wolf being annoyed with how a villager makes reads than like a wolf being annoyed with another wolf

ā€˜Arete why do you think thatā€™ gut

ok I know I said I wasnā€™t going to quote any more posts about orange but I think Dat blowing up at orange in all caps is another good look for him, I donā€™t think Dat would blow up like that unless he were actually really upset and I donā€™t think he would be actually really upset with his scum partner

donā€™t really feel like this is W/W

I keep being like ā€˜okay orange is spewed V I can stop quoting posts about thatā€™ and then I find something like this and Iā€™m like ā€˜okay but this is really blatant TMIā€™

I went looking for the VC around this point because I was ready to clear Hippo for this if it was after Mist became a major wagon but unfortunately it wasnā€™t

still a slightly good look for Hippo because Dat had other options but not, like, 100 percent lock clearing

post as a whole could definitely be W/W but the last bit (the bolded part) doesnā€™t really feel W/W, in my experience Dat isnā€™t super powerwolfy (and he definitely wasnā€™t being powerwolfy w.r.t. Mist) so I think itā€™s more likely that he would call a villager an obvious villager than that heā€™d call a wolf an obvious villager

then nothing else feels really spewy

Overall conclusions

I think Dat spew is a really good look for orange, reading through their interactions I have a hard time believing theyā€™re partnered, and some of them specifically feel like TMI rather than just insulting each other or whatever in a way that makes me think theyā€™re unlikely to be staged

a couple of more minor points that look good for Hippo/kat/Geyde, nothing thatā€™s 100 percent lockclearing but it does make me feel a little better about Geyde


laugh at you if town loses


its not a story the villagers would tell you

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this is so sad
alexa, play despacito

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/unvote Centuries

we couldnā€™t quickhammer before arete gayposted so i guess weā€™re stuck here


We can do it before arete realizes what weā€™re doing

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i guess we have to read areteā€™s wallposts
they are usually good

yeah but their reads arenā€™t

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wait Conroy conceded? I just scrolled up a couple posts




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fuck you i didnt

yes you did


broke: wait for arete to finish posting before going in
woke: hammer conroy before arete finishes
coke: hammer arete before arete finishes


my original plan was to fake concedeing but the votes happened in a way that sucked for me to fake conceiding