Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!



if you randed W in this game with Dat and Mist what would your strategy be

I did actually scumread dat early on because dat said it was weird for someone to vote me (I think solic) before I posted and I said it felt like they were whiteknighting.

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i called your read silly because a PR or wolf read on a claimed PR is silly

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Definitively not harddunk the role cop tho

I would say that Hippo has been playing from a disconnected perspective for most of this game
They arenā€™t in the thick of things

Theyā€™re on the edge of the party doing their own thing
Some takes are more consensus-y, some are against the grain

But they truly are operating on a different wavelength than the rest of the game
You can see this in how theyā€™ve spit out takes
They donā€™t always jive

And when I look at the non consensus stuff
A lot of it doesnā€™t make sense for a wolf to do?

Theyā€™ve handled d2 well
Theyā€™ve handled today in a way that I think isnā€™t stretching reality

They look weird but they arenā€™t awkward in the way a wolf is

I vaguely remember this

i also think a ā€œPR or wolfā€ read at this state of the game is really weak given thereā€™s a moderately high chance 4/8 of us are PRs or wolves


What about wolf prs

arete said PR or wolf

im actually PR and wolf so aretes read is wrong and therefore cringe

before i get quickyeeted this is a :joy_cat: joke :joy_cat:

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/vote kat

she said sheā€™s scum therefore she must be scum

Solic has real conviction in a way thatā€™s good faith on his reads and as such Iā€™m inclined to v the slot for that
The way he handled Dat wasnā€™t hard defending that wolves do

Itā€™s a perspective that I honestly conceded to and toiled with a lot

aw shucks

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Solic/Hippo feel v for me, despite weird aspects of their play

Iā€™m kinda feeling ā€œlynch everyone that townread datā€ again


Iā€™ve been melding a lot with Icibalus so like
I donā€™t think they actively clear people who he can very safely kill if heā€™s a wolf

Itā€™s just a really dumb play that damages his credibility

does this count

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Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
sulit Geyde, orangeandblack5 2/5
katze Arete 1/5
Not voting Icibalus, katze, Solic, sulit, Hippoyeetus 5

Imagine a craftsman who looks at every aspect of his work before coming to a conclusion
Thatā€™s the conclusion many ultimately come to but he comes to it based on a line of logic that feels genuine in a way that many others wouldnā€™t